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Corvin Promenade Street Retail Portfolio

Corvin Promenade is an integral part of the Corvin Quarter, Central and Eastern Europe’s largest urban renewal program, and provides an independent entertainment and shopping concept.

The development is part of Budapest’s newest, iconic public space, based on the designs of the world famous landscape architect Robert Townshend. The 36-metre wide and 350-metre long, plant-lined and pedestrianised Corvin Promenade has become the new centre of social life in Budapest thanks to its vibrant, lively restaurants and places of entertainment on the Corvin Quarter’s main street.

There are residential properties, office buildings and alongside business units located on the ground floor level, as well as a wide range of restaurants, pubs, cafes and a theatre.

The Corvin Promenade is an internationally recognised and award-winning location, the winner of the International Property Award Best Mixed Use Development Europe and the property development Award for Excellence from the Hungarian members of the FIABCI. In 2014, it was also the first development from Hungary to win first prize in the competition considered to be the Oscars for urban and property development, the Urban Land Institute Global Awards for Excellence.

Corvin Promenade’s unique open pedestrian street with businesses and restaurants
H-1082 Budapest, Corvin Promenade 1.
Size: 10 000 m2 GLA
Value of development: 30 million euros

Leasing Contact
Karai Péter
Sales director

+36 1 266 2181
+36 70 978 4827


– at the crossing point of Üllői út and Nagykörút, a major road and public transport intersection
– Corvin Quarter and Klinikák Metro 3 stops
– 4/6 tram stop
– direct connection to Ferenc Liszt International Airport

Main tenants

– Duma Theatre – Budapest’s biggest stand-up comedy theatre
– Life1 – Pest’s biggest fitness centre
– Vinowonka – specialist wine and chocolate bar
– Kompót Bistro
– Norbi Update bakery
– Mr. Fruit delicatessen
– Bombay Express Indian fast food restaurant
– Mlinar bakery
– Bubbles laundrette
– Wiener Szalon confectioners
– Top View Holiday Travel agency
– Envy Fashion women’s clothing store
– Las Vegas Casino
– LIDL supermarket
– Tobacconist
– Sonarestetica beauty salon